ATTN: Please comment on XHTML (before it's too late)

Braden N . McDaniel braden at
Mon Aug 30 00:12:21 BST 1999

On Sun, 29 Aug 1999 17:53:46 Ann Navarro wrote:
> At 05:50 PM 8/29/99 -0400, Braden N . McDaniel wrote:
> >Not the issue. The issue is that it's far too easy to create HTML 4 
> >documents that *don't* display correctly in current browsers.
> I don't remember that being the issue.

The issue was whether HTML 4.0 is a success, and the ease with which HTML 4.0 documents can be created which implementations can't display correctly is certainly key to analyzing that.

> It's just as easy to create HTML 3.2 documents that don't display either.

Are you really contesting the popularly accepted notion that modern browsers support a greater percentage of HTML 3.2 than of HTML 4.0? While I've never seen a quantitative analysis proving this (nor have I any desire to undertake it myself), my experience authoring HTML certainly suggests it is the case. Your statement above flies in the face of this conventional wisdom.

Braden N. McDaniel
braden at

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