Don Park donpark at
Sat Nov 20 12:57:34 GMT 1999

>Well, it is not XML at all if  it miss-parses a well-formed XML
>    <?b </a> ?>
>    <!-- </a> -->
>    <![CDATA[ </a> ]]]>

Rick, I think you are actually picking an example favoring
the use of SML.  It might be legal XML but it is also a
bracketed ball of mess.  Besides, SML processors can't
parse full XML just as XML parsers can parse full SGML.

>If you go ahead with SML, you should at least use different delimiters
>to make sure that there is no confusion.

To whose benefit should SML giveup interoperability with XML?

>But you cannot answer that, because your toaster has too 
>little space to fit an XML parser, so it cannot fit a compression
>utility (or TCP/IP anyway, as I mentioned), so the resulting design
>will be some single character delimiter.  So the resulting language
>will look something like SGML NET-tags:
>    <a/hellow world/
>or LISP:
>    (a  "hello world")
>or RTF:
>    {a hello world}

Who is to say future toasters will have too little space to fit
an XML parser?  Maybe future appliances will use a chipset with
XML parser in silicon.  Chances are that the chip designers will
not waste chip space to support full XML parser.

Frankly, I would rather appreciate assistance and helpful advices
rather than arguments against SML.  There is really zero chance of
me giving up until the SML spec is finished and ignored politely.

To make things interesting, I'll eat a copy of the SML spec if SML
doesn't fly.  Will you guys (you know who you are) each eat a copy
of the XML spec?  I think 12 point fonts should make enough of a meal.


Don Park    -   mailto:donpark at
Docuverse   -

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