Request for Discussion: SAX 1.0 in C++

roddey at roddey at
Mon Jan 3 23:28:33 GMT 2000

>> For those folks who need to store text, they can certainly strip off
>> unwanted bytes before storing it. It is much more reasonable to
>> require transcoding of people storing text than to require everyone
>> using the data on the fly to transcode.
>Using data on the fly is what I want to do.  That's why I prefer to
>get it in the form I will use it.

For most people though, UTF-8 is a loser. If you want to do any poking
around in the text, having it be UTF-8 (a non-fixed size encoding) is a
huge pain in the butt. In my opinion, Unicode is it, period. Its the
future, and everyone should start dealing with it. Unicode based wide
character APIs are available almost everywhere so that you can work
directly with the Unicode until it actually has to go to some system API
that requires it be in a local code page.

Dean Roddey
Software Weenie
IBM Center for Java Technology - Silicon Valley
roddey at

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