XSchema question

Don Park donpark at quake.net
Wed Aug 5 11:23:07 BST 1998


What you described is exactly what I was trying to explain.  It sure is nice
to have others standy by to interpret my ramblings <g>.

>This represents quite a complex processing model. It requires a processor
>to run through the first few gigabytes of log and then change schemas and
>run through the next. I think you would be better with a different file for
>each schema change and link them together with XLink/entities.

I already have a working prototype that does this and it does not require
complex processing model.  It just looks complex.

>Yup. Let's solve the single schema problem first. Simon?

But don't you prefer completely crazy hairball of a problem over simple
problems?  <G>  Thanks for the help.  I think I'll continue to kick the
hairball on my own just for 'kicks'.



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