SAX: Next Round (Namespace support)

John Cowan cowan at
Mon Jan 25 02:49:29 GMT 1999

James Clark scripsit:

> However, I wonder whether it's really a good idea to allow apps to
> choose the separator. It makes it harder to chain together SAX processes
> using things like the Filter.  If one DocumentHandler expects names
> separated by # and another expects them separated by !, then they can't
> work together without some additional glue. I think consideration should
> be given to mandating a specific separator character. It's not obvious
> to me what the right answer is here.

The criteria I used were:

1)	must be ASCII
2)	must not be whitespace
3)	must not be valid in a URI
4)	must not be valid in an NCName
5)	must not commonly appear after a URI (#, |) or before an NCName(:).

The result?  Circumflex.^bar

means foo:bar when xmlns:foo="".

John Cowan					cowan at
		e'osai ko sarji la lojban.

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