How about over 1,000,000 XHTML Namespace URIs?

Jeff Greif jmg at
Thu Sep 2 00:47:50 BST 1999

But isn't any tag proliferation of this sort (rendering data for an external
application) supposed to be avoided (in HTML 4 at least) by

<OBJECT type="application/x-ms-spreadsheet" data="stuff.xls" ...></OBJECT>
<OBJECT type="application/x-ra-videoclip" data="clinton.ram" ...></OBJECT>

People shouldn't be adding such tags, defining DTDs to support them,  or
making namespaces to attempt to distinguish their new bogus HTML derivatives
from the vanilla forms.  One would hope vendors would not be so stupid as to
do this when there is no longer any justification whatever (in some earlier
HTMLs there was no uniform mechanism).


----- Original Message -----
From: David Megginson <david at>
To: XML-Dev Mailing list <xml-dev at>
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 1999 2:35 PM
Subject: How about over 1,000,000 XHTML Namespace URIs?

> What happens when a vendor wants to create a new element that will
> appear in, say, an HTML paragraph?  Obviously the new element itself
> (such as <ms:spreadsheet> or <ra:videoclip>) will have to be in a
> different Namespace -- that's the whole point -- but will the
> containing paragraph have to be in a different Namespace as well?  In
> other words (assuming that XHTML is the default Namespace) can we have
>   <p>Today, President Clinton visited the finger lakes.
>     <ra:videoclip src="clinton.ram" />.</p>
>   <p>Economic indicators are down.
>     <ms:spreadsheet src="stuff.xls" />.</p>
> or does it have to be this?
>   <ra:p>Today, President Clinton visited the finger lakes.
>     <ra:videoclip src="clinton.ram" />.</ra:p>
>   <ms:p>Economic indicators are down.
>     <ms:spreadsheet src="stuff.xls" />.</ms:p>
> (And, of course, an <ms:li> to hold the <ms:p>, and an <ms:ul> to hold
> the <ms:li>, and an <ms:body> to hold the <ms:ul>, and an <ms:html> to
> hold the <ms:body> -- it will always necessarily bubble to the top
> <html> element).

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